Positive Belief Safety
1. I am safe.
2. I am secure and protected.
3. I can trust others.
4. I am resilient and can handle challenges.
5. I am usually safe.
6. I can protect myself.
7. I am free to live my life without fear.
8. I am safe and secure.
9. I am not in immediate danger.
10. I am strong and capable.
11. I am safe to be myself.
12. I can create safety for myself.
13. I am in a supportive environment.
14. I can relax and feel secure.
15. I can trust others to help me stay safe.
16. I feel safe around others.
17. I am not a target for harm.
18. I can defend myself if needed.
19. I am empowered in any situation.
20. I am not a victim.
21. I feel calm and secure.
22. I am protected from harm.
23. I feel safe in my environment.